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Ms Rockingham

is the suburban equivalent of getting glassed because you spat on a
prostitute’s tramp stamp after she sprayed you with breast milk.
Southern Crossed locals wake up to the soothing sounds of screeching
tyres and police sirens as they add a cheeky splash of Jack Daniels to
their morning soft drinks. You know what they say, you don’t have to be
an aggressive wall-punching pisshead to live in Rocko, but it helps!
The way that Kaylah dresses would make an African priest want to wear a
condom: pink Unit shorts, a Malibu stained singlet, faux-fur Bad Girl
hoodie and a pair of Ugg boots. She only ever deviates from this
“Chlamydia-chic” ensemble when she goes to Liquids (Liqos). She applies a
healthy smear of tanning bronzer to her face and slaps a Roxy cap over
her peroxided locks. She loads her children into her currently
incarcerated husband’s VL Commodore and drops them off at school. In the
school car park, a tear rolls down the eye of a dreadlocked deadshit
as he salutes her “Up the Bum No Babies” bumper sticker, “fuck oath”.
She catches up with her girlfriends at the Rockingham Shops to pick out
a new Supre dress for the evening. Her friend cautions her, “don't get
black this time you slurry, remember that jizz stain last week?” In
Kaylah’s defence, her little bathroom suckfest was a small price to pay
for a bar card and a verbal guarantee they could skip the line next
week. Nevertheless, as a Rocko fashionista she decides on a little
understated number: bright pink and thigh tatt exposing. Yum.
She hasn’t been this excited about a night out since her current
boyfriend took them on a holiday to Crown Casino last May. She looks up a
cheap baby sitter on the Rockingham Buy & Sell FB page and checks
her funds: “farken dogs at Centrelink haven’t paid me”. Not to worry,
she jumps on Tinder and within 25 minutes she is having a drink with a
Gardnen Island Navy man at the Swinging Pig. 7 free Jack & Cokes
later, she ditches her dashing date and meets up with her girlfriends at
the foreshore. They are doing damage to a cask of Fruity Lexia and
hurling abuse at some Mandurah skrag that used to date Kaylah’s
incarcerated hubbie. Kaylah barely spills her plastic cup of goon as she
hair-slams the 6210 slut into the turf, “roc city bitch”.
Kaylah hails down a “towel headed pooftah” and instructs him to drive
towards Liquids. The girls already have their heels off when the cab
stops and execute a runner with precision. Not that they care too much, a
man of ethnic descent wouldn’t be game to chase Rocko girls through the
racist UFC cage-match they call a township. By this point, Kaylah is so
sloshed that she manages to get half her Nick’s kebab on her new dress.
“Fuck it”, she reckons, “the boys like a bitta meat anyway”. She
straightens up a bit by munching a handful of her kid’s dexies. Sorted.
Inside Liquids, Kaylah grinds on men who steal sneakers and are
probably living it up YOLO style because their impending court
appearances could prove inconvenient for their future plans. A muscular
shaved head guy gets Kaylah’s attention by holding up a Smirnoff Black
and then spitting on his fingers: the mating call of the Rocko wildlife.
From that point the only thing stickier than the floor is the lad’s fingers: it’s love, 6168 style
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